Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food for thoughts

Birthday party just finished and time for reflection.

What food received kids attention:
1. Nuggets. (thanks mummy/daddy....just can't get enough though)
2. Sausage
3. Jelly
4. Cake (not too much)
5. Mamee. (Supply overun demand though..... parent less of this in future)

What was common food send over by parents
1. Jelly (wrong kind though)
2. Mamee
3. Sweets
4. Cake
5. Snacks (like Snek Ku)

Different food that caught the attention
1. Marshmallow (they love it but got all messy dipping it) 
2. Jelly in tube (see above... ran out of supply within minutes)

We will be having FOOD theme for next two week and will be asking you for food again. (hahaha)
However the food is just for your own CHILD.
It is call MY BREAKFAST.
Each child would be require to bring his/her own food for break time that day. (see message book soon for the date)
They also have to explain the content in his/her food to the class before eating it.

Example (Sausage bun)
Made of flour and chicken meat. It has carbo and protien and good for children. (Parent you need to help them with the explaination to class)

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